What Scents Attract Bed Bugs

Uncovering the Scents that Lure Bed Bugs: What You Need to Know

What Scents Attract Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a pesky problem that can be difficult to get rid of once they have infested your home. These small, reddish-brown insects are attracted to human blood and can often be found in beds, furniture, and other places where people sleep or rest. Knowing what scents attract bed bugs can help you prevent an infestation from occurring in the first place.

About Bed Bugs and Their Behavior

Bed bugs are known for their ability to survive for long periods of time without feeding, which makes them difficult to eradicate once they infest a space.

Bed bugs typically feed at night when people are asleep. They use their sharp, straw-like mouthparts to pierce the skin and suck blood from their host. The bite itself is usually painless, but it can cause an itchy, raised bump on the skin. Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, but their bites can cause discomfort and sleep disturbance.

Bed bugs are highly adaptable and can survive in a range of temperatures and conditions. They are often introduced into homes and other spaces through infested furniture or luggage. Once inside, they can quickly spread to other areas and multiply rapidly.

One of the biggest challenges in dealing with bed bugs is their ability to hide. They can fit into tiny cracks and crevices, making it difficult to locate and eradicate all of them. In addition, bed bugs have become resistant to many of the pesticides that were once effective in controlling them.

To control bed bug infestations, a combination of strategies is often necessary. This may include thorough cleaning and vacuuming, sealing cracks and crevices, using bed bug-proof mattress and pillow encasements, and applying pesticides. It is also important to inspect and treat any infested furniture or other items that may have introduced the bugs into the space.

Importance of Understanding What Scents Attract Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny blood-sucking parasites that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are nocturnal and prefer to hide in dark, warm, and secluded places during the day, such as mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards, and cracks and crevices in walls and floors. Bed bugs are attracted to human hosts by a variety of stimuli, including heat, carbon dioxide, and scents.

Understanding what scents attract bed bugs is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it can help in the prevention and control of bed bug infestations. By knowing what scents attract bed bugs, individuals can take steps to avoid emitting these scents or using scented products that may attract bed bugs. For example, people can avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, or scented lotions that may contain fragrances that bed bugs find attractive. Similarly, individuals can avoid using scented candles, air fresheners, or other products that emit fragrances that bed bugs find appealing.

Secondly, understanding what scents attract bed bugs can help in the detection of bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to detect, as they are small, nocturnal, and often hide in hard-to-reach places. However, bed bugs are attracted to certain scents, and individuals may be able to detect the presence of bed bugs by using scents that are known to attract them. For example, bed bug detection dogs are trained to sniff out bed bugs by detecting the scents they produce. By using scent detection, individuals can identify the presence of bed bugs and take steps to eliminate them before the infestation becomes severe.

Finally, understanding what scents attract bed bugs can help in the development of more effective bed bug control strategies. Researchers are actively studying the scents that bed bugs are attracted to in order to develop new methods for controlling bed bug infestations. For example, scientists are exploring the use of synthetic chemicals that mimic the scents that bed bugs find attractive in order to lure them into traps or other control devices. By understanding what scents bed bugs are attracted to, researchers can develop more effective and targeted strategies for controlling bed bug infestations.

In summary, understanding what scents attract bed bugs is important for prevention, detection, and control of bed bug infestations. By avoiding or mitigating scents that bed bugs find attractive, individuals can reduce their risk of infestation and detect bed bug presence earlier. Additionally, understanding the scents that bed bugs are attracted to can help in the development of more effective control strategies.

What Scents Attract Bed Bugs?

Although bed bugs are primarily attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide, they can also be drawn towards different scents and smells.

1. Human Sweat and Body Odor

Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and other animals. They are attracted to human hosts through various means, one of which is the chemicals present in human sweat and body odor. These chemicals are known as pheromones and are a natural scent produced by the human body.

Bed bugs have highly sensitive olfactory receptors that allow them to detect these pheromones from a distance. When a bed bug senses these chemicals, it is immediately attracted to the source and will make its way towards the human host.

Pheromones are produced by various glands in the human body, including the sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and apocrine glands. These glands are located all over the body, and the chemical composition of the pheromones produced by each gland is different.

For example, the pheromones produced by the sweat glands contain high levels of lactic acid and ammonia, which are highly attractive to bed bugs. Similarly, the pheromones produced by the apocrine glands, which are found in the armpits and groin area, contain high levels of fatty acids, which are also highly attractive to bed bugs.

In addition to pheromones, bed bugs are also attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans exhale. This is because when humans exhale, they release carbon dioxide into the air, which is detected by the bed bugs’ highly sensitive olfactory receptors.

By understanding how bed bugs are attracted to humans, it is possible to take steps to prevent infestations and protect against these pesky insects.

2. The Smell of Dirty Laundry and Clothes

The smell of dirty laundry can attract bed bugs because it contains a combination of different scents, including sweat and body oils. These scents are produced by the human body and are highly attractive to bed bugs.

When dirty laundry is left in a pile, these scents become concentrated, creating an even stronger attraction for bed bugs. The bed bugs are drawn towards the scent and will make their way towards the laundry pile in search of a potential host.

In addition, dirty laundry can also provide an ideal hiding place for bed bugs. The fabric of the clothing provides a comfortable environment for the bed bugs to hide in, and the folds and creases in the fabric offer protection from predators and the environment. Therefore, it is important to keep dirty laundry in a sealed container and wash it regularly to eliminate any potential hiding places for bed bugs.

Bed bugs are also attracted by the smell of dirty clothes. If you have dirty clothes lying around in your sleeping area, bed bugs may be attracted to the smell and may infest your home. It’s important to keep your sleeping area clean and free from clutter to avoid attracting bed bugs.

By taking these precautions, you can minimize the risk of a bed bug infestation in your home.

3. Histamine: Hormonal Scent That Is Produced by Bed Bugs

Bed bugs often bite in one area due to the scent they leave behind after feeding. When they bite and feed on human blood, they produce a scent called histamine. This scent acts as a chemical signal to other bed bugs, indicating that it is a safe place to feed.

This unique scent can be found in bed bug droppings and skin and is the reason why bed bugs tend to bite in the same spot repeatedly. However, scientists have found a way to use this to our advantage in the fight against bed bugs.

They have developed bed bug traps that emit a similar scent to histamine, which attracts the bed bugs out of hiding places. When the trap is switched on, it releases the histamine pheromone, causing the bed bugs to believe that one of their own has found a new source of food. As a result, the bed bugs come out of hiding and are trapped in the specially designed trap.

This pheromone trap has proven to be highly effective, especially in heavily infested homes. By utilizing the bed bugs’ attraction to histamine, it is possible to lure them out of hiding and trap them, making it easier to eliminate the infestation.

In conclusion, the unique scent produced by bed bugs after feeding is what attracts them to the same spot repeatedly. However, this scent can also be used to lure them out of hiding using specially designed traps that emit a similar scent. By understanding how bed bugs are attracted to histamine, it is possible to develop more effective methods for eliminating these pesky insects.

4. Perfume

Believe it or not, bed bugs are also attracted to perfume. This may come as a surprise to many people, but the reason behind it is actually quite simple.

Many perfumes contain ingredients that bed bugs find appealing. These ingredients can include floral scents, fruit extracts, and even certain types of alcohol. When you wear perfume or spray it in your sleeping area, these ingredients can become airborne and attract bed bugs to the area.

Bed bugs have a keen sense of smell, and they use their sense of smell to locate potential sources of food. When they detect the scent of perfume, they may assume that there is a human nearby and move towards the scent to feed on their blood.

It’s important to note that not all perfumes will attract bed bugs. Some perfumes may contain ingredients that bed bugs find unappealing or even repellent. However, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid wearing perfume to bed or spraying it in your sleeping area if you want to minimize your risk of attracting bed bugs.

If you do wear perfume during the day, it’s a good idea to change your clothes and wash your skin before going to bed. This will help to reduce the scent of perfume in your sleeping area and make it less attractive to bed bugs.

What Else Attracts Bed Bugs

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is emitted by humans when we exhale, and bed bugs have specialized receptors on their antennae that are designed to detect this gas. When bed bugs detect carbon dioxide, they know that there is a potential food source nearby. This is because the presence of carbon dioxide is an indicator that a warm-blooded animal is nearby, and bed bugs require warm-blooded animals to survive.

Body Heat

Heat is another factor that attracts bed bugs. They are attracted to warmth, such as body heat, because it helps them to locate areas where blood is closest to the surface. This makes it easier for them to feed. In addition to body heat, bed bugs are also attracted to warm environments. They are known to infest areas such as bedding, clothing, and furniture because these items provide a warm and comfortable environment for them to live and breed.

Overall, bed bugs are attracted to a combination of factors, including the scent of blood, carbon dioxide, and heat.


In conclusion, bed bugs are attracted to a variety of scents, including the smell of human sweat, body odor, and carbon dioxide, as well as the hormonal scent of histamine produced by bed bugs themselves. By understanding what attracts bed bugs, it is possible to take preventative measures to avoid infestations in the home, such as regularly washing bedding and clothing, vacuuming carpets and furniture, and sealing cracks and crevices where bed bugs can hide.

It is important to note that bed bugs are attracted to scents in different ways, and the attraction can vary from individual to individual. Factors such as age, sex, and health can all affect the types and amounts of scents produced by the human body, which can in turn affect the attraction of bed bugs.

Additionally, there are scents that can help repel bed bugs, such as lavender, peppermint, and tea tree oil. While these scents may not completely eliminate a bed bug infestation, they can be used as part of a comprehensive strategy to keep bed bugs at bay.

Overall, the key to preventing bed bugs is to be vigilant and proactive. By taking steps to minimize the factors that attract bed bugs and to use natural repellents, homeowners can help to protect themselves and their families from the negative impacts of these persistent and frustrating insects.


What scent attracts bed bugs?


List of Sources

  1. Biology and management of the bed bug. University of Kentucky
  2. Avoid perfumes and avoid becoming bug bait. N.C. Cooperative Extension


What scents attract bed bugs?

Bed bugs are attracted to the scent of carbon dioxide that humans exhale. They also respond to the scent of human sweat, which contains chemicals such as lactic acid, ammonia, and fatty acids.

Do bed bugs prefer certain scents over others?

Bed bugs do not have a preference for specific scents. They are primarily attracted to the presence of humans and the chemical signals that our bodies emit. However, some people may have a stronger reaction to bed bug bites due to differences in body chemistry or the products they use on their skin.

Can using scented products help repel bed bugs?

No, using scented products does not repel bed bugs. In fact, some scents may actually attract them. The most effective way to prevent bed bugs is to take proactive measures such as regularly washing and drying bedding on high heat, inspecting second-hand furniture before bringing it into your home, and using a bed bug mattress cover.

How can I protect myself from bed bugs?

The best way to protect yourself from bed bugs is to be vigilant and take preventative measures. Regularly inspect your home for signs of bed bugs, including small reddish-brown bugs, small white eggs, and dark spots on bedding or furniture. When traveling, inspect hotel rooms before unpacking and avoid placing your luggage on the floor or bed. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional immediately.

Do bed bugs have a stronger attraction to certain fabrics or materials?

Bed bugs do not have a preference for specific fabrics or materials. They can be found in any type of environment, including hotels, homes, and public transportation. However, they are known to be attracted to certain types of surfaces that are easier for them to climb on, such as wood and certain types of fabrics.

Can bed bugs be attracted to pets?

Bed bugs are primarily attracted to human scent and do not feed on pets. However, pets can inadvertently transport bed bugs from one location to another. It is important to regularly inspect your pets and their bedding for signs of bed bugs, especially if you suspect an infestation in your home.

Can bed bugs be attracted to certain foods?

Bed bugs are not attracted to any specific types of food. They feed solely on human blood and are attracted to the scent of carbon dioxide and human sweat. However, it is important to keep your home clean and free of food debris, as this can attract other pests that may attract bed bugs.

Can bed bugs be attracted to light?

Bed bugs are not attracted to light and prefer to feed at night when their hosts are asleep. They are attracted to the scent of carbon dioxide and human sweat, not light.

How can I detect if I have a bed bug infestation?

Look for signs of bed bugs, such as small reddish-brown bugs, small white eggs, and dark spots on bedding or furniture. You may also notice small bite marks on your skin, typically in a line or cluster. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional for an inspection and treatment.

I'm Franklin Jones, the guy behind PestStopGuide.com. Here’s where I write all the DIY pest prevention, removal and extermination tips and tricks.